To Spark a Match by Jen Turano

Jen Turano continues her latest series, The Matchmakers, with To Spark a Match.

Book Blurb

To Spark a Match by Jen Turano book cover

After five unsuccessful Seasons on the marriage mart, Miss Adelaide Duveen has resigned herself to the notion that she’s destined to remain a spinster forever–a rather dismal prospect, but one that will allow her to concentrate on her darling cats and books. However, when she inadvertently stumbles upon Mr. Gideon Abbott engaged in a clandestine activity during a dinner party, Adelaide finds herself thrust into a world of intrigue that resembles the plots in the spy novels she devours.

Former intelligence agent Gideon Abbott feels responsible for Adelaide after society threatens to banish her because of the distraction she caused to save his case. Hoping to return the favor, he turns to a good friend–and one of high society’s leaders–to take Adelaide in hand and turn her fashionable.

When danger surrounds them and Adelaide finds herself a target of the criminals in Gideon’s case, the spark of love between them threatens to be quenched for good–along with their lives.

My Thoughts

To Spark a Match is yet another hit by Jen Turano.

From the characters to the dialogue to the general mayhem that ensues, this book was an enjoyable escape into Gilded Age New York. Adelaide is as delightful as she was in the first book, A Match in the Making (but don’t worry if you haven’t read the first book in the series yet because To Spark a Match can be read as a standalone). Gideon is a delightful hero, even if he is a bit to slow to realize that Adelaide is a great match for him.

Truly, the characters were my favorite part, especially the supporting characters. The bookstore crew might very well be my favorite. But there’s also plenty of action and some suspense.

Overall, To Spark a Match is a delighful historical romance filled with comedy, suspense, and delightful characters.

(Note: I received a complimentary copy via NetGalley for review. I was not required to post a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.)
