Lone Star Sweetheart by Shannon Sue Dunlap

Shannon Sue Dunlap’s new rom-com Lone Star Sweetheart is filled with humor and small-town charm.

Book Blurb

Lone Star Sweetheart by Shannon Sue Dunlap book cover

Katherine Bruno’s passionate, unfiltered temper makes her the shrew of small-town Sweetheart, Texas. When she’s drafted to help the mayor’s wife run against her own husband, Katherine meets opposing big city political consultant Ryan Park. The good-looking, flirtatious campaign manager gets under her skin, but fraternizing with the enemy is off-limits. Katherine must battle her lack of experience, campaign sabotage, and her growing feelings for Ryan as she strives to succeed. His unprejudiced acceptance of her strong-willed character beckons her heart, but his jaded rejection of God is an insurmountable barrier. Will Ryan return to his faith and stay with her in Sweetheart or leave when the election ends?

My Thoughts

If you love the enemies-to-lover trope, you’ll love Lone Star Sweetheart. Dunlap has plenty of banter and hilarious situations for Katherine and Ryan. It was fun watching them duke it out as they tried to help their respective candidates. The novel also includes a bit of the fish out of water trope mixed in with some forced proximity.

Though Lone Star Sweetheart is a wholesome novel, Dunlap doesn’t skimp on the chemistry. There are plenty of lingering looks, accidental touches, and maybe a kiss or two.

The faith element as Ryan struggles with his belief in God was beautiful. I loved reading his arc. And Ryan and Katherine have a great conversation about God that will give the reader plenty to think about.

Overall, Lone Star Sweetheart is a sweet romantic comedy with plenty of charm.

(Note: I received a complimentary copy for review. All opinions expressed are my own.)
