Written on the Wind by Elizabeth Camden

Elizabeth Camden brings another rich historical romance with her latest release Written on the Wind.

Book Blurb

Written on the Wind by Elizabeth Camden book cover

Count Dimitri Sokolov has been charged with overseeing construction of the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway, but during this work, he witnesses an appalling crime, the truth of which threatens the Russian monarchy. In an effort to silence him, the czar has stripped Dimitri of his title, his lands, and his freedom . . . but Dimitri has one asset the czar knows nothing about: his deep and abiding friendship with Natalia Blackstone.

Natalia is the lead analyst for her father’s New York banking empire and manages their investment in the Trans-Siberian Railway. Her bond with Dimitri has flourished despite the miles between them, but when Dimitri goes unexpectedly missing, she sets the wheels in motion to find him. Once they join forces, they embark on a dangerous quest in which one wrong move could destroy them both.

From the steppes of Russia to the corridors of power in Washington, Dimitri and Natalia will fight against all odds to save the railroad while exposing the truth. Can their newfound love survive the ordeal?

My Thoughts

I’ve long enjoyed Camden’s novels because of the lush detail and complex characters. Written on the Wind was no exception. This novel combines friends-to-more romance with captivating suspense and international intrigue as Natalia and Dimitri square off against ruthless political figures and vengeful analysts.

The way Natalia and Dimitri challenge each other made for great banter and a perfect pairing. I loved seeing how Natalia and Dimitri both bring something to the table in their relationship, encouraging the other to be better. They don’t pander to one another, and while that leads to many arguments, it also leads to growth in both characters.

The romance was sweet and epic, sure to please the most hopeless of romantics. And Dimitri shows a strong faith that only matures throughout the novel.

Though this is a sequel, I was able to read it and enjoy it as a standalone. However, I may now have a spoiler for the first book when I go back to read it. I don’t think that’ll ruin my enjoyment of the book, though.

Overall, Written on the Wind is a beautifully written romance historical fans will love.

(Note: I received a complimentary copy for review via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.)

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And for more Elizabeth Camden, visit her website and sign up for her newsletter. You can also follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
