Backed into a Corner: Learning My Lesson the Hard Way

Backed into a Corner Blog title

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

I backed myself into a corner. Literally. 

It all started when I got the wonderful, fabulous idea to rearrange furniture. Of course, I just had to do it right then. 

Backed into a Corner Pinterest pin

Not only did I have to do it right then, I had to do it on my own. Part of that stemmed from an almost lifelong effort to save my dad’s back. He’s had back trouble for as long as I can remember, but because he is a gentleman and a loving father, he jumps in to help me whenever I start a project like this. I didn’t want him to hurt his back, so I set off on my own even though he was right down the hall.

Another part was pure, unadulterated stubbornness.

Either way, doing it alone was a mistake. One I felt most keenly when I trapped myself in the corner of my room. It was one of those moments when I looked around and thought, “I have made a mistake.”

I managed to get out of this corner, but it reminded me of my tendency to focus on the big picture and rush in without considering the little details. My dad, on the other hand, considers those details. Had I consulted him, he would’ve whipped out his tape measure and considered each piece of furniture. Then he would have formed a plan, telling me what pieces I needed to move first. 

Because I didn’t at least consult him, I made much more work for myself.

I do that to God, though. I rush in without consulting Him, without asking if I even should do it, let alone how. And I back myself into a corner.

Then there are times I focus on one detail, asking God why it had to happen. I don’t consider that it’s only a small stitch in a larger tapestry that isn’t yet complete. 

What I need to realize is that God sees the big picture and the small details. That He knows how things need to happen, the order that’s needed for the best result. And though He gets me out when I’m backed into the corner, it would be much better if I followed His guidance from the beginning.
