Love’s Mountain Quest by Misty M. Beller

Love's Mountain Quest book cover

Love’s Mountain Quest, Misty M. Beller’s second novel in her Hearts of Montana series, isn’t as good as its predecessor but still manages to craft a compelling story. Joanna Watson and Isaac Bowen, both introduced in Hope’s Highest Mountain, embark on another journey when Joanna’s son and friend are kidnapped, and Isaac promises to help them. Especially when he realizes his past may have come back to haunt him.

Beller hasn’t lost her ability to throw you into a setting. She crafts her world carefully, settling you into the mountains just as easily as if you were there.

More time is spent in Joanna’s perspective than Isaac’s, and I found myself craving more of his voice. Isaac is a solid, dependable character, and he is well-paired with hardworking Joanna. I liked his character so much, I wanted a better look inside his head. See what he’s thinking. But the scenes in his perspective give a great glimpse of his character and help define who he is. Beller does a great job of characterizing him.

Laura, the friend, also has a voice in this novel alongside main characters Joanna and Isaac. I can understand the need for her scenes, as Joanna and Isaac’s journey could get potentially boring after a while without something to add suspense. While Laura’s perspective did ramp up the tension, I sometimes felt like too much focus centered on Laura. However, I did become endeared to her, so much so, I hope she’s the main character in a future novel. I would love to see her again.

Overall, Love’s Mountain Quest is a well-written book with an adventure you don’t want to miss. Typical Misty M. Beller book, packed with mountain scenery and a heartwarming romance.

Love’s Mountain Quest releases June 30. To pre-order, click the picture to go to, where you can buy the book from a local bookstore. Or go to your favorite bookstore.

(Note: I received a complimentary copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)
