Just Read: Upon My Heart Forever by Amber Lynn Perry

I’ve been reviewing mostly novels, but today I’m breaking from the norm and reviewing a novella. And since it’s 4th of July weekend, I chose a novella set right after the Revolutionary War in the brand-spanking United States of America.

For those of you who have read Amber Lynn Perry’s books before, you may recognize the name Ethan Barrik from So Bright a Hope, which I reviewed back in December. I recognized the name, but I couldn’t place it for sure until I saw something Perry posted on Facebook (and that, my friends, is why you should follow beloved authors on social media; you never know what you’ll discover).

The heroine, Clara Moore, is trying to escape New York after learning her brother is going to force her into an arranged marriage. She seeks help from a friend, not realizing her friend’s brother would enlist Ethan Barrik, the man who broke her heart.

And so the journey begins. Literally and figuratively.

As the two travel to get Clara to Boston, they’re forced to face the reality of their unresolved feelings, and Perry does not skimp on the emotion or the tension. There were times I could feel Clara’s broken heart get another beating at seeing Ethan for the first time in six years. And I could also feel Ethan’s regret and longing.

But I think what I loved most is how masterfully Perry leaves little clues of Ethan’s feelings throughout his interactions with Clara. Yes, us readers know, but it’s believable for Clara to begin to slowly break down her walls when she sees these little things that begin to make her wonder if she understood Ethan’s motives as well as she thought.

Because it’s a novella, this is a short read, but the romance wasn’t rushed to me. I thought Perry did a great job of pacing it, especially given the characters’ history. While there’s no immediate reconciliation, you can clearly see the characters opening up to each other more and more throughout the story, leaving you with sigh-worthy satisfaction.

If you’ve never read Amber Lynn Perry before, this novella can be read first without feeling any confusion. Even though Ethan is mentioned in another book, you don’t have to read So Bright a Hope to follow Upon My Heart Forever. And if you read this novella and like it, I highly recommend you read her other books. They’re each extraordinary.

Meanwhile, I’m going to sit here and wait patiently for the novella that’s coming out soon according to Goodreads while seriously considering reading her books all over again.
