The God Who Brought You Out of Egypt

The God Who Brought You Out of Egypt blog title with desert background

The LORD your God which goeth before you, he shall fight for you, according to all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes;
– Deuteronomy 1:30

Have you ever faced a circumstance that scared you? Or found yourself in a bind and wondered how you would get out? It can be overwhelming, can’t it?

It’s in those moments that I often find myself giving into the what ifs. What if I mess up again? What if I fail?

I found myself in one of these situations a few years ago. I had just come out of a particularly difficult time in my life, and I kept wondering what if something else happened? What if something else went wrong?

What if I can’t handle it?

But then I realized that was the point. I can’t handle it. Not on my own. And God had already brought me out of one trial. He could do it again.

The God Who Brought You Out of Egypt Pinterest image

He brought the Israelites out of Egypt, didn’t He? In Deuteronomy 1, Moses reminds the Israelites of their fear when faced with the sons of the Anakims. The Israelites were afraid of the giants and didn’t believe they could prevail.

But hadn’t God already helped them prevail?

It’s easy to give into fear, but we need to remind ourselves that God has already brought us out of Egypt. For one, He loosed us from the bondage of sin. That in itself is incredible.

(For more on this, read my post Just a Thought: Free Indeed.)

But He’s done so much more for us. Think back on those difficult times in life. Think about how God brought you through it. Rest assured, if He can bring you through that, He can bring you through anything. Nothing catches Him by surprise. He goes before us. Fights for us. And He’ll do it again and again.

So whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation, remind yourself Who brought you out of Egypt.
