Blackberry Beach by Irene Hannon

With Blackberry Beach, Irene Hannon has once again crafted a beautiful story set in heartwarming Hope Harbor.

Book Blurb

Cover of Blackberry Beach of Irene Hannon

Katherine Parker is on the cusp of having everything she ever wanted–fame, money, and acclaim. So why isn’t she happy? In search of answers, she comes incognito to Hope Harbor on the Oregon coast for some R&R. Maybe in her secluded rental house overlooking the serene Pacific she’ll be able to calm the storm inside.

Coffee shop owner Zach Garrett has found his niche after a traumatic loss–and he has no plans to change the life he’s created. Nor does he want to get involved with his reticent new neighbor, whose past is shrouded in mystery. He’s had enough drama to last a lifetime. But when Katherine and Zach are recruited to help rehab a home for foster children, sparks fly. And as their lives begin to intersect, might they find more common ground than they expected . . . and discover that, with love, all things are possible?

My Thoughts

I’ve become quite a fan of this series, I must say, and Hannon has not disappointed me with this latest installment. Both Zach and Katherine are fleshed out so much they almost feel like real people. I smiled when they smiled. Laughed when they laughed. I especially enjoyed the maturity of these characters, which I’ve come to think of as Hannon’s hallmark. I’m not fond of characters who play games and go through a never-ending back and forth. So the frank discussions endeared me to the characters even more.

But even the subplot characters had me cheering. Not only because Hannon always has great subplots but also because the subplot provides another romance. And it’s a sweet one at that.

I must take a moment, though, to mention the town. Hope Harbor isn’t just a setting. Hannon has made it into a character in its own right. From philosophizing Charley and his delicious fish tacos to seagulls Floyd and Gladys, Hannon has made this town come alive.

I have to say, I love her romantic suspense novels, but Irene Hannon can always write an amazing contemporary romance. I highly recommend it!

(Note: I received a complimentary copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.)

Further Information

To order your own copy of Blackberry Beach, click the image above or visit your favorite book retailer.

For more Irene Hannon, visit her website. You can also follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
