I’ve heard a lot about head knowledge and heart knowledge, and for a while I spent most of my time scratching my head trying to understand the difference. After doing a lot of thinking on the subject, I think I finally understand it. And I want to share my thoughts with you today.

It’s one thing to recognize that Christ is real, that God is real, that Christ really did walk the Earth. It’s another to completely believe that Christ died for you. That your sins required His blood.
Even the demons recognize Him, but they have nothing to do with Him (Matt. 8:28-31). It takes giving yourself to Him, acknowledging your need for a Savior and asking Him for His forgiveness. Plenty of people believe in God, but they want nothing to do with Him.
Let me give you a personal example.
Growing up, I heard a lot about God and Jesus. And I believed there was a God, that He had a Son named Jesus, and that Son died on the cross and rose again on the third day. I believed that He came to save sinners. But I always viewed everyone else as the sinners, not me.
Until one night, that changed.
I heard the Gospel presented for the umpteenth time, but this time it was different. A voice said, “It’s you. The preacher’s talking about you.” And I realized the sinners weren’t just everyone else but me, too. I realized I needed a Savior. And that night, I went from head knowledge to heart knowledge.
To truly begin a relationship with Jesus, we need to believe not only that He died on the cross, but that He did it for us! That knowledge is a game changer. That’s when this becomes real. That’s when this becomes personal.
And when it’s personal, that knowledge ingrains itself in our hearts and changes not only our lives but our perspective. (I’ll talk more on this next week.)
Have you heard about head knowledge vs. heart knowledge? Did you have a hard time understanding it like I did? Share your thoughts below!