Just a Thought: Let Go of The Spoon

Let Go of the Spoon devotion blog title

The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. – Job 1:21b

Today’s thought came to me one day when I was feeding my youngest niece. Every time I’d spoon a bit of baby food into her mouth, she’d grab the spoon and wouldn’t let go. She was cutting a new tooth, and my mother thought perhaps she just wanted something to chew on, so Mom gave me another spoon. But every time I’d take the spoon away to give her more food, my niece would get upset. When I spooned sweet potatoes into her mouth, however, she’d be happy again. At least until I took the spoon away to get more food. Then she’d fuss again and hang on to the spoon for dear life.

Frustrated, I said, “If you would just let go of the spoon you’d realize I’m about to give you more food!”

And then it hit me.

She didn’t understand that I was taking the spoon away because I had more food for her. She was focused on what I was taking away rather than what I was about to give her.

How often do we get upset when God takes things away not realizing He’s preparing to give us something even better? I wonder if we look silly hanging on to an empty spoon when a spoon full of sweet potatoes is on its way?

Maybe it’s time to trust Him. Maybe we should let go of the spoon.

For more on God as a parent, check out my posts Children of God and No Means No.
