Just a Thought: Don’t Burn the Toast!

Burnt toast Don't Burn the Toast devotion blog title

I was in a hurry. It was Sunday morning, and I was trying to make breakfast before we went to church. I was in the midst of cooking eggs and decided to go ahead and put the bread in to toast to hurry things along.

That was a big mistake.

The next thing I knew, the toast was burnt, and Mom had to get it out for me while I finished up the eggs. It was salvageable. All Mom had to do was scrape it. But it wasn’t as good as it would’ve been had I waited.

Just as we try to rush God’s timing, I tried to rush breakfast. And just like Mom was able to salvage the toast, God can use our mess for good. But when we rush, the results are not as good as they would’ve been had we waited. We become so focused on the future, we fail to focus on where God has us at that particular moment. We’re there for a reason. We need to give our current circumstances attention, do the job He has for us. When we worry about our own timeline instead of finishing the job before us to the best of our ability, we become stressed out, overwhelmed, and aggravated. And the end results are not what they could be.

So when you find yourself trying to make things work on your timeline, say a prayer, immerse yourself in God’s Word, and don’t burn the toast!

Psalm 27:14 – Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Psalm 130:5 – I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.
