Praying for Family Challenge (with printable)

woman praying with Bible
praying for family challenge

Join me this month in praying for the family. I have a huge burden on my heart about our families, not just because of the high divorce rate, but also because so many families are broken through addictions, abortions, and abuse. Parents and children have strained relationships, and even siblings refuse to speak to one another. With the holidays approaching, I think now is a wonderful opportunity not only to thank God for our families, but also pray that He strengthens our families.

Each day on Facebook and Instagram, I’ll post the daily prayer challenge. If it doesn’t apply to you, or you feel led to pray for someone else, please do. The challenge is just a suggestion, something to get us thinking about families, especially others. A lot of times we focus on our own families, which is good, because we all need to focus on our families, but we also need to remember other families. Every Christian is a part of the household of faith, which means that every Christian is part of the family of God (Galatians 6:10).  

Check out the other two posts in the Fighting for Family series: Fighting for Family and Marriage: A Picture of Christ and the Church. The next post will be published on Monday.

If you’d like to print the November Prayer Challenge Calendar, click on the link below.
