
Hi everyone! It’s just Jennifer.

For this first post, I wanted to simply introduce myself. I’m a writer, but most importantly, I’m a child of God. I was saved on a summer night in 2001 during Vacation Bible School at the tender age of 7. 17 years later, I’m following a dream God gave me: to write.

I’m currently in the process of writing a Christian historical fiction series as well as devotions. I will be posting some devotions on my blog each week as well as updates on my series.

My main focus is showing that God’s love never changes, but I also will focus a lot on family. Scripture not only has much to say about family, but it says once we are saved, we become a part of the family of God (Ephesians 2:19). A lot of the current issues we face as a nation also directly affect our family, and Satan is attacking our families. I’ll have a blog post later on that issue.

You can also find on this site reviews of books I have read. I love to read, and not only do I want to share my recommendations, but I’d also love to hear from you!

I’ll share more with you in the coming weeks. God bless!
